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CJI Blog

Judge's gavel against a backdrop of the Colorado flag

Welcome to the CJI blog where we share inspiring stories and diverse perspectives about Colorado's courts.


Welcome to CJI's New Website: A Big Step Forward

Two yellow lines on a highway converge toward distant mountains and the horizon

Welcome to CJI's new website!

This comprehensive overhaul of CJI's online presence is long overdue, and has been a very important goal ever since I joined the organization as Executive Director a year ago.

Why so important?

First impressions are critical. Our new website's modern responsive design and visual appeal—even when displayed through a mobile device—helps establish credibility with visitors, especially first-time visitors. They are more likely to spend time here rather than leave quickly.

Intuitive navigation helps visitors find information easily, leading to quicker connection with CJI's mission and programs, increasing the likelihood they will become donors, members, and sponsors.

Invitations to get involved stand out clearly. Donation, membership, event registration, search, and other functionality works smoothly with no barriers. There's an easy way to sign up for CJI's newsletter, and to volunteer.

Behind the scenes, the new CJI website is accessible to visitors with disabilities. At launch we meet Level A of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) international standard, and over time we will build up to Level AA.

In sum, everything you expect from a reputable nonprofit website in the year 2023. And much that was lacking in our old website, may it rest in peace.

But that's not all. CJI's new website also features a "CJI Blog" through which we will share inspiring stories and diverse perspectives about Colorado's courts and its judges. Soon we will develop new learning resources to help educate people about our judicial system, including explainers and micro-learning videos that will be hosted here. And eventually we will build out a members portal and online community platform to connect and engage our most committed supporters.

This year CJI has begun a strategic planning process to outline our new vision for the future and steps to get there. This future is just over the horizon, and it's characterized by a diverse, vibrant, engaged community across all of Colorado that works to promote public trust in Colorado's courts.

CJI's new website is a big step forward in supporting this vision. I hope you share my excitement, because it's kind of a big deal!